PlayStation Plus: January Update
The free games for PlayStation Plus subscribers for January have been announced.
PS+ Subscribers can look forward to the following free games starting January 2nd 2018:
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided has an 84 rating on Matacritic
- Batman: The Telltale Series ($24.99 value)
- Deus Ex: Mankind Divided ($59.99 value)
- Psycho-Pass: Mandatory Happiness ($39.99 value)
- Uncanny Valley ($12.99 value - cross-buy with Vita)
- StarBlood Arena (Available January 2nd - March 6th) ($19.99 value)
Psycho Pass: Mandatory Happiness has a 72 rating on Metacritic
- Psycho-Pass: Mandatory Happiness ($29.99 value)
- Uncanny Valley ($12.99 value - cross-buy with PS4)
- The Book of Unwritten Tales 2 ($19.99 value)
- Sacred 3 ($14.99 value)
In addition to those free games, PlayStation Plus subscribers have access to a "PlayStation Plus Booster Pack II Bundle" for Warframe. (The Warframe bundle is available until February 13th.)
This bundle includes the following:
- 100 Platinum
- 50,000 Credits
- Akmagnus Dual Pistols
- Akmagnus Obsidian Skin
- 3-Day Affinity Booster
- 3-Day Credit Booster
- Dragon Mod Pack
The total value of all free PlayStation Plus offerings for January 2018 is: OVER $235.91
How do you feel about the January 2018 PS+ offerings? Are you satisfied? Disappointed? Is PlayStation starting the year off right? Let's talk in the comments!