Papers, Please Available Now On Vita
After more than 3 years since being first announced, Papers, Please is available on the PlayStation Vita NOW!
The critically beloved "Dystopian Document Thriller" was released suddenly after a public apology from game creator Lucas Pope. "Working as a single developer has its advantages but managing multiple projects is not one of them." he stated, "Unfortunately it was Papers, Please on PS Vita that suffered the most and I apologize for that."
The game, originally released in 2013, has players assuming the role of border crossing immigration officer, tasked with examining the documentation of various characters, and ultimately deciding whether or not to grant them entry into the dystopian country of Arstotzka.
The game has since received glowing critical praise with multiple critics referring to the game as an example of "games as art". The game is often even referred to as an "empathy game" and has received numerous awards including a BAFTA.
Papers, Please on Vita is "the most portable version yet" (Lucas Pope) and includes all 31 days of single player story mode, branching narratives, 20 different endings, an endless mode, and online leaderboards.
You can download the game on the Vita today for $9.99.